Considering Boulder Universal?
Be sure to check out our "About BU" page for more information about our school including our mission statement and purpose as well as the school profile, school video, and FAQs. Below you can find what courses and accommodations we have available at BU.
Before enrollment is completed, each family will need to participate in an intake appointment where our team will discuss your students needs and options. Please contact us if you have any questions and would like to set up an appointment.
BU Overview-OnlineInfo
All Boulder Universal Classes Are Delivered Online
They are fun, interactive and involve many of the same technologies students already use outside of school. BU stays connected with its students by utilizing Google products and Schoology’s learning management system (LMS) providing asynchronous, online academic content. This technology allows us to offer another route to academic success for students whose individual needs make attendance at a traditional school challenging.
Although the coursework is delivered via the Internet, students engage and interact with an actual teacher and other students in a virtual setting. Our online teachers, mentors, and counselors provide unparalleled guidance and assistance to students throughout their coursework. Please note that although BU offers flexibility, we have similar expectations as other BVSD schools around attendance, academic progress, behavior, and activities.
BU Overview-Coursework
Coursework at Boulder Universal
Boulder Universal students have a variety of course options that they can take in order to fulfill graduation requirements and prepare for post-secondary education.
Secondary coursework is created and taught by BU teachers.
BU Elementary partners with FlexPoint Education (formerly known as FLVS or Florida Virtual School) in providing content and is taught by BU teachers. All content aligns with BVSD standards and rigor offering students a flexible and challenging academic experience.
Visit the BU Academics Website for student course resources.
Expecting all children the same age to learn from the same materials is like expecting all children the same age to wear the same size clothing.
Madeline Hunter