Boulder Universal offers an academically comprehensive elementary program for students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Our online elementary students are placed in rigorous courses purchased through an outside vendor. Classes offered include the core content areas of Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, and each section meets all the district and state standards for their corresponding grade level.
The level of parent involvement at the elementary level is much higher than middle school or high school. As a way to provide additional support, students are assigned a school mentor, as well as a content based teacher to help guide and encourage them as they manage their coursework. Students participate in the required district and state level assessments to evaluate that they are in fact staying on target, and to ensure that every child is meeting grade level benchmarks. While we understand that online learning is not appropriate for every elementary student, we would love to meet with you to explore if it may be a good fit for your family.
Please use this form to report any concerns or errors you may find in the FLVS curriculum.