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HIGH School Academic Hub

This page is a one stop shop for High Schoolers and their families. It provides all the information needed and is a great parent resource. The transition to high school can be both exciting and nerve wrecking for parents and students. It is also a time when students become more independent. The high schools in BVSD have a wide selection of course offerings and opportunities and offer students guidance on their future goals. 

Boulder Universal is excited to announce our partnership with Front Range Community College (FRCC)! 

High school students at BU have the opportunity to take FRCC classes to simultaneously earn college credit while fulfilling their high school graduation requirements. More information about this is coming soon.

Be sure to visit the BVSD College Before Graduation Website to learn more about this concurrent enrollment program of taking college courses while in high school and to understand the deadlines for submitting application paperwork.

FRCC course offerings


BU Overview- HS Info

High School:

Most students take six classes plus Advisory each semester. BU students have the option to participate in their home attendance school's extracurricular activities. BU's students can also participate in CHSAA sanctioned athletics & activities. Please check with your home attendance school Athletic Director for more information.

BU High School Course OFFERINGS

For more information about course details, please view the course descriptions listed below in the next section.

Fall (1st Semester- A)

Spring (2nd Semester- B)

High School Course Descriptions

Unless otherwise noted, courses are provided by Schoology and taught by Boulder Universal teachers. Please note that course descriptions do not indicate what is being offered at the current time. Refer to the Course Offerings information above. All vendor courses provided by Florida Virtual School (FLVS).

Advanced Placement (AP)

Boulder Universal does not offer Advanced Placement (AP) programming as we are a College Before Graduation (CBG) partner.  A wide range of college level offerings, both virtual and in-person, are available at BU through CBG and our partnering institutions: FRCC, Metro State, and CU-Boulder. While we understand there are rare circumstances where a 3rd party vendor course is necessary, approval to take a 3rd party vendor course must come from the BU administration prior to registration.