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Academic Planning

Course Selection​​​​​

When selecting courses each year, remember that course selection is a team process that involves students, parents, counselors, and teachers. Visit our course selection page for more information. 

Our goal is to help every student succeed in their academic, career and personal lives.

High school counselors spend a lot of their time helping students make sure their course selections are aligned with their goals for after they graduate. In particular, counselors assist students in researching post-graduation opportunities such as college or professional training. When students apply to colleges, they often seek guidance from their counselors on how to complete the application, what to write about for their admission essay, and who to get letters of recommendation from. Counselors also continue the work with students on their social and emotional development, study skills, decision making, problem solving, and resiliency.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

To make changes to your schedule, contact your BU counselor.