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Health Room

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Keeping students healthy, safe, in school and ready to learn is our priority.

Our Health Team

The Boulder Valley School District has a team of health professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that our students' health needs are met during the school day. 

Students can check in with the Health Room if they are not feeling well or hurt themselves while on campus.

Health Documents

Please be sure to mark all documents : "Attention to Health Room", include "Student ID#", and send to: Fax# (720) 561-5258.

Emily Meneghel


BVSD Health Topics

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medical vial with needle

Accurate information is essential in our timely response to any vaccine-preventable disease such as Pertussis (whooping cough), Chickenpox or Measles. BVSD is committed to ensuring accurate immunization data about our students and schools is available to parents and our health partners. 

What does this mean for my child?

Read More about Immunizations

Health Resources