Student Use of Technology
Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) is pleased to offer students access to district computers, communications systems, the Internet, and an array of technology resources to promote educational excellence.
Each student is responsible for her/his use of technology, whether personal or district provided. While using district and personal technology resources on or near school property, in school vehicles and at school-sponsored activities, as well as using district technology resources via off-campus remote access, each student must act in an appropriate manner consistent with school, district, and legal guidelines. It is the joint responsibility of school personnel and the parent or guardian of each student to educate the student about his/her responsibilities and to establish expectations when using technology. Failure to follow the appropriate use procedures may lead to the loss of the privilege to use these educational tools, school disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion, legal action, and/or restitution by the user for costs associated with any damages caused by such violations.
Student school accounts, such as Schoology, Google, IXL, etc are property of the school. Therefore, individual student avatars can be a school picture only or can stay as the default avatar provided by the electronic platform. We will accept an unaltered headshot if you are unable to provide a school picture. No memes, other photos, or symbols or manipulation of a school photo are allowed to be substituted. For further information please refer to BVSD Board Policy JS, Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications.
When students are in a live online setting, BU may require students to have their cameras on to fully engage with the online setting. In a live online learning environment, camera backgrounds are considered part of the learning environment. Please make sure that backgrounds are school appropriate. Thus, the use of Google backgrounds can be used and are encouraged.
All students will be granted access to district technology resources in order to:
- Perform word processing, build spreadsheets, create presentations, browse the Internet, or use Google Apps for Education
- Conduct research on classroom or library computers or other digital devices
- Search the school library catalog for books/resources
- Download or educational videos, podcasts, simulations, or content
- Publish student work
- Fulfill requirements in computer lab assignments
- Conduct curricular work using computer-based simulations or content
- Create digital presentations
- Engage in distance learning experiences
- Complete online testing
- Use digital assessment technologies
- Engage in online collaborative projects
- Engage in electronic discussions with experts outside the classroom
- Share or exchange files with students in or outside the classroom
- Store student work for retrieval at home
- Complete online college applications or apply for financial aid online
- Complete other assignments requiring technology as assigned by your student’s teacher(s)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
BVSD and BU understands the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools present in a classroom learning environment. AI can be used to assist a student in learning and can offer ‘tutor-like’ assistance. The BU staff will continue to explore ways to use AI learning tools as a means to support and enhance learning opportunities when a teacher sees benefit to the tool.
However, when students choose to use artificial intelligence to replace human learning, that is plagiarism. Therefore, the inappropriate usage of AI to replicate human learning is a violation of the BU academic honor code and will be treated so. When/If students rely on AI to produce work without their own original thoughts or efforts, the BU teaching staff cannot assure learning outcomes. Therefore, students should reach out to their teacher if they ever have a question on the usage of an AI tool.
As has been long standing practice at BU, a student can be asked at any time to come into our learning lab to produce work in a proctored environment at the discretion of our teachers.
Email Accounts
At the secondary level (6-12), students will be given a district email account. At the elementary level (K-5), email accounts are not made available to students unless requested by a teacher, connected to a specific curriculum unit, explicit parent/guardian and principal permission is acquired, and close supervision by adults is provided.
Password Requirements
Students are required to use strong passwords for accessing District technology and email. Students are required to follow BVSD IT requirements for logging into their school accounts. Visit the BVSD IT Technical Resources Website for more details.