Bus Shuttle Services
Boulder Universal shares the Arapahoe Campus with BoulderTec and Arapahoe Ridge HS. Any student who needs transportation to/from Arapahoe Campus can use the shuttle bus service which services all BVSD high schools. If you live nearby one of the BVSD high schools, this may be a good transportation option.
Transportation to/from the following BVSD High Schools: Boulder HS, Broomfield HS, Centaurus HS, Fairview HS, Monarch HS, New Vista HS, Nederland Jr/Sr HS.
Bus Routes from BVSD High Schools to Arapahoe Campus
- AM Routes - Arrive at Arapahoe Campus at 8:50am (M/Tu/Th/F), Arrive at 9:50am (Wed late start)
- PM Routes - Arrive at Arapahoe Campus at 12:40pm (M/Tu/Th/F), Arrive at 1:40pm (Wed late start)
Bus Routes from Arapahoe Campus to BVSD High Schools
- AM Routes - Leave Arapahoe Campus at 11:47am (M-F)
- PM Routes - Leave Arapahoe Campus at 3:32pm (M-F)
View BoulderTec Bus Schedule Website
*Note: Arrival times may vary due to traffic and/or weather conditions.
Transportation Questions/Concerns?
Transportation questions or concerns should be directed to the following:
- Call Boulder Terminal Dispatch Office at 720-561-5125: For Boulder HS, Fairview HS, Nederland HS, New Vista HS
- Call Lafayette Terminal Dispatch Office at 720-561-5126: For Broomfield HS, Centaurus HS, & Monarch HS